
The Top 10 Myths About The Middle Ages


Animals in the thatch roof

Animals in the thatch roof

When you look at Medieval movies, you always see the thatch roofs of the peasants made with straw and sticks. Although they had thatch roofs, they were tightly woven mats that didn’t allow for animals to crawl in them that easily. The average Medieval folks were rather concerned people and if a critter got into the roof, it would be dealt with promptly. Thatch roofs were not only meant for the poor and many wealthy nobles and royals also opted for grand thatch-roofed homes and castles.

The people smelled bad

The people smelled bad

It is widely believed that the people of the Middle Ages didn’t bath. The short truth is that they were actually quite fond of bathing, but the original myth gave rise to several related myths. It’s said that the church burnt incense because the people smelled so bad, but the tradition sprang from Jewish culture where incense was burned when sacrifices were made. The other myth was that people married in May and June because that is around the time that they took their yearly bath. This was only done because you could not marry during lent. Most towns had bathhouses where people would go for daily warm baths and to relax.
