
Did A Fan Just Give Wolverine A New Hairstyle?


If you ask anyone who is familiar with the X-men who their favorite superhero is, they will probably tell you that it is Wolverine. The badass anti-hero with a futuristic hairdo. People love the fact that he does not give a hoot about what anybody says and then he has those amazing claws and, of course, the ability to heal himself almost instantly.

There is just something about his raw nature that appeals to people and let’s not forget the hair. There are other superheroes with equally impressive claws, but no one matches Logan’s style. That is probably why a fan wanted to see if he could recreate Logan with a new hairstyle.

Fans always try and put their take on things

Go to any Comicon convention and you will see fans of all genres trying their best to recreate their favorite comic book, novel, or video game character. Some people get it spot on and others fail miserably. Then you get the ones who are a bit obsessed or go way over the top and reimagine their hero the way they believe he, she or it should look like.

Fans like Mahmut Akay was at it again. He wrote and directed a new fan film on the iconic Wolverine character. In the film titled, Close Shave, Akay portrays Wolverine, much like Marvel depicted Thor in the last Avengers movies.

Thor had given up hope and gave himself over to a life of sloth and gluttony. In Akay’s story, Wolverine also looked a bit worse for wear, but his motivations behind his disheveled look are not as hopeless as Thor’s. Instead, he is trying to turn a new leaf and fit in with society.

What were the messages in the film?

Akay said that the film was a dark comedy that aimed at reimagining Wolverine, but it also explored the themes of prejudice and identity. His motives were not to make another fan film where the story is action-driven and much of the same Hollywood grandeur.

Instead, he wanted the story to be fueled by the character and their inner demons. The chronological time when this film is set is not clear, but from the dialogue, it is clear the mutants were cast out by society for good.

There were not many left alive, but Logan was still going strong. Needless to say, there were still people out there who did not take kindly to the mutants and would judge their intentions before getting to know the person.

A short synopsis (Spoiler Alert)

The film starts with a couple of well-spoken gentlemen examining a security monitor and contemplating the state of the mutant that they are seeing. From their remarks, one can easily pick up their tone and figure out that they are not fans of mutants. It turns out that it was Wolverine who was walking down the street and eventually entered their barbershop.

The leader of the pack approaches Logan and offers to be of his service. True to form, Logan could not care less about his social decorum and is trying to remain calm as the barber makes snide comments about the mutants.

He ends his conversation with Logan by trying to kill him. His band of barbers join in and stab Logan multiple times. He tries to leave the barbershop but is temporarily incapacitated.

The band of barbers seems quite pleased with their accomplishment, but it is short-lived as Wolverine gets up, but this time in his usual foul mood. What ensues next is a quick bloodbath with a couple of explicitly violent slashes and the old Wolverine’s return.

Is the film any good?

When it comes to fan films, there are only two categories, those who know-how and those who do not have a clue. Akay is of the former category and it is clear to see from the quality of the this is not his first try at making short films.

The lighting, sound and visual effects are of outstanding quality and the acting is right up there with some of his other short films. Reading the comments on YouTube is a testament to the quality that Akay has produced. One almost feels as though there should be a sequel to Close Shave.

The final verdict

When it comes to Wolverine, it does not come as any surprise that there would be a fair deal of bloodshed and a bit of foul language. However, this does not deter from the message or themes of the film. It has the makings and feel of a fan film that will be remembered for a long time to come due to its subversive nature. It rewrites the stereotypical and gives the fans a new outlook on their favorite X-man. If you want to explore more about Comic World stay in touch with us at techvenge.
